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Proved solutions to achieve your goals

The solutions we offer have been successfully implemented with customers from different business sectors

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Background. The tax authorities have been pushing taxpayers to be part of the inspection process, not only for the documents received but also about the fiscal situation of the suppliers (i.e. SAT blacklist, EFOS/EDOS, materiality). Failing on this endeavor would convert the supplier cost into non-deductible and non-creditable expenses.

Benefits. Our cloud-based solution provides an electronic portal for the suppliers, in which they can upload their fiscal documents following a set of validations. First, both supplier and document are validated against SAT records, then the document is delivered to the ERP. If the ERP is SAP, the document uploaded is also compared against the Purchase Order detail and the material reception in the case of invoices, the original invoice in case of Cr/Db notes, and the Payment detail in the case of Payment Receipt CFDi.  In the case of the new Carta Porte complement, our solution can be configured to identify the carrier suppliers to ensure that this complement exists in the received fiscal document
Our solution automates the reception, validation, and processing of the invoices until the posting of the document in the ERP, as well as flag the documents outside of the thresholds for exception’s management



Background. Legislation in México requires that all fiscal documents are presented to tax authorities and electronically sealed before those can be processed by taxpayers.
This means that every single Invoice, Credit Note, Debit Note, and even the reception of payments must be certified before the tax authorities. Depending on the line of business some complements need to be added (i.e. International Commerce, Carta Porte, Airlines, Fiscal Legends, Public Attorney, Partial Construction Services, Automobile sale, among others); additionally, the usage of multiple government catalogs and complex validations must be applied.

Our strong knowledge in SAP allows us to extract the data to prepare the XMLs for the new CFDi 4.0 and supplements according to new requirements; it can be done either over a Z environment, or if installed, updating SAP PI (Process Integration) module

Benefits. Whether if your SAP configuration has a standard CFDi implemented or not, our certified consultants can develop the information extraction, as well as the constantly changing catalogs and validations required to prepare the CFDi XML including the complements and addenda’s required by the business. Besides the certification of documents before the tax authorities, our solution updates UUID in the SAP document, while the certified document is stored in our cloud fiscal vault. The metadata of these documents can later be used for reconciliation and our eAccounting Solution.



México government has been working in the direction of removing the outsource model from the labor market. From the most recent Law changes in this regard, it is forbidden to outsource labor related to the principal economic activity.
Additionally, any other activity to be outsourced requires additional effort from customers and suppliers.
The main change for the supplier is to get registered before the STPS (Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social), but for the customer, the change is riskier since it becomes join responsible with the supplier in relation to the obligations with the supplier’s employees
To reduce risks it is necessary that the customer request and validate that supplier has complied with its obligations. So, it needs to request to the supplier all supporting documentation to ensure its Payroll, IMSS, Infonavit, and VAT are compliant, besides the monitoring of valid contract, STPS registration, and fiscal credentials
Our solution, additionally to keep track and monitor all required information from the supplier, is capable to receive, validate and integrate into the ERP  the service invoices from the Specialized Supplier



Since July 2014, the taxpayers have the obligation to present on monthly basis this requirement to Tax Authorities.

Our solution can retrieve from SAP the Journal Entries from the different SAP modules, link the information with the CFDi’s UUIDs and prepare the files according to SAT structure and mapping guidelines

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Besides all revision efforts from tax authorities, new regulations are giving the taxpayers the responsibility to also revise the fiscal situation of suppliers. Under the current scenario, if the customer doesn’t verify the fiscal condition of the supplier, the validity of the invoice, the validity of REPSE contracts and registration, the inclusion of Carta Porte complement from carrier suppliers, and even the capacity of the supplier to provide the materials or services being purchased the cost of the purchase would become non-deductible and non-creditable
In terms of ensuring the supplier has the materiality to provide the services, several commercial documents can be accepted as evidence but only if those are sealed with a valid electronic signature.
Our solution validates and keeps track of all supportive evidence, and in the case of other commercial documents we offer the functionality of adding an electronic stamp by an authorized supplier

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