Tax Authorities in México recently published the following information https://www.sat.gob.mx/cs/Satellite?blobcol=urldata&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1461175167996&ssbinary=true to detail how sender and receptor data must be included for the new CFDi 4.0
First, the taxpayer's name (sender & receptor) must be uppercased.
For Legal Persons/companies, the name should NOT include the Society type, so, it shouldn't include the characters that identify them as a company, such as SA, S de RL de CV, SC, etc.
CFDi Usage is still required, but its value should be valid to the corresponding fiscal regime. Additionally, the usage code "Por Definir" is eliminated, and if the receptor is going to use it for a different purpose than the one reported, it is needed to cancel and reissue the CFDi.
The fiscal zip code and fiscal regime are now mandatory fields, and values in CFDi must match the values in the Tax Authorities records. SAT recommendation is to obtain this information from the "Constancia de Situación Fiscal" or the "Cédula de Identificación Fiscal".
It is important to remember that the employees are receptors for the Payroll CFDi's, so, it is imperative for the legal persons to get the official employee's data.